Day 3 - Rust File Encryptor/Decryptorrust cli 7Days7RustProjects Rust's encryption basics with our file encryptor/decryptor. Learn file I/O, XOR encryption, and CLI usage in a concise project.Published OnOctober 26, 2024Read more →
Day 1 - Building a Simple Command Line Todo List in Rustrust cli 7Days7RustProjects Create a simple Rust command-line app to manage todos, learning basic file I/O and user interaction.Published OnOctober 24, 2024Read more →
Building a Secure, Real-Time CLI Chat App with Rustrust cli sockets jwt A step-by-step guide to creating a secure, real-time CLI chat application using Rust, featuring PostgreSQL integration, JWT authentication, and WebSocket for instant messaging.Published OnOctober 4, 2024Read more →